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Behaviour for Learning

Behaviour for Learning

Classroom Code of Conduct

classroom code of conduct 2024 2025.pdf



  • The most powerful factor influencing positive pupil involvement is constant reinforcement in the form of praise by staff. A nod, smile and ‘thank you’ can often be used to create a positive and considerate environment.


  • To underpin this approach, we use SIMS to record Housepoints. Pupils are awarded Housepoints for a wide variety of successes such as completing an excellent piece of homework or 100% attendance to helping the community or representing the school. These points add up so that pupils can aim for their Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. REWARDS trips will also acknowledge excellent behaviour.


  • Each member of SLT receives a weekly list of pupils to meet, who will receive special recognition for their contribution to school life; a postcard will also be sent home.


  • Celebration assemblies are a regular event across all year groups. They reward and honour areas such as academic improvement, sporting successes, high attendance, service to the school and being an excellent ambassador for UALS.


  1. Classroom management; class teachers should aim to plan engaging and relevant lessons sufficiently differentiated to support the needs of all learners, whilst also challenging the more able learners within a class, this in itself is the best form of classroom management.


  1. Classroom exit; class teacher to refocus; if a pupil becomes disruptive, in the first instance the pupil should be asked to leave the lesson for up to 5 minutes, whilst pupils are responsible their behaviour and conduct during this time the class teacher should aim to refocus the pupil in order to minimize loss of learning time. The class teacher might seek to impose a sanction for such behaviour.


  1. Head of Department intervention; if a pupil continues to disrupt the learning of others then they should be sent to the Head of Department. A sanction should be imposed at this stage.


  1. Learning Coordinator intervention; if a pupil still persists with their disruptive behaviour, an email should be sent to the LC team, SLT whilst also cc’ing the Pastoral Team so that in the event both members of the LC team are teaching, the pupil can be collected.


  1. Investigation to ensue; whilst the investigation takes place, the pupil might be placed in the IEC, in such an event contact will be made with parents/ carers.


  1. The relevant LC team and SLT Link meet; once presented with the relevant facts and statements a decision will be made as to the most suitable sanction, contact will be made with parents/ carers.

Pupil Reports

 Pupils can be placed on either of the following reports; Stage 1, Stage 2, Homework Report or Departmental Report.  

Parents/carers must be informed when a pupil is placed on report.
