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Exams at UALS

Exam Information

Throughout the academic year, there will be important exam updates and information displayed here for our pupils and parents.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact our Exams Officer, Mr Croxford, here at the Academy, who will be more than happy to help you.

Candidate and Parent/Carer Exam Information


Exam Timetable

There are no documents to display at present.

 *Please note that all Exam Timetables are subject to amendments. Pupils will receive their own personalised copy of the timetable during Term 4 for the main exam season*

 Key Dates 2024 - 2025

Mock GCSE Exams: 2 to 16 December 2024

GCSE Exams: Thursday 8 May 2025 - Thursday 19 June 2025

Exam Contingency Afternoon: Wednesday 11 June 2025

Exam Contingency Day: Wednesday 25 June 2025

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 21 August 2025 (10:00am to 12:00pm)

Presentation Evening - Thursday 20 November 2025 (6:00pm Arrival)

Exam Policies 

Exam related policies and procedures can be found under 'Policies' within the 'Our Academy' section.

Exam Board Websites


Edexcel / Pearson




Exam Equipment

Pupils must bring the correct equipment for their examinations with the following being the minimum required for all exams*; Black Pens (x2), Pencils (x2), Rubber / Eraser (x1), 30cm Ruler (x1).

*Subject teachers can provide information for additional equipment that you are expected to take into a specific exam. 

Pupils can purchase exam equipment packs, limited availability, from Pupil Reception for £5.00. The packs consist of; 1 x clear pencil case, 2 x black pens, 2 x coloured pens, 2 x pencils, 1 x 30cm ruler, 1 x 15cm ruler, 1 x rubber, 1 x compass & pencil and 1 x protractor.

Calculators are also available to purchase for £8.00 from Pupil Reception.

Examination Rules, Regulations & Guides 

Pupils, Parents / Carers must read the information below regarding examination rules and regulations.



What do I do if there is a mistake on my exam timetable?

You should speak with the Exams Officer and your subject teacher as soon as you can.

What happens if I have more than one exam on the same day and time?

This is called an "Exam Clash". The Exams Officer will resolve this clash for you and provide you with all of the information you need. 

What time does my exam start?

Morning Exams begin at 08:50am

Afternoon Exams begin at 1:00pm - exam times may vary depending on the length of exam.

I have lost my exam timetable, what do I do?

This is easily resolved; speak with either your Form Tutor or the Exams Officer and we can arrange a replacement copy to be printed for you.

What do I do if I am unwell on the day on my exam?

You must try and attend all of your exams, even if you are feeling unwell. In cases where you cannot attend, you must ring the Academy as soon as possible: however, failing to attend an exam may have an impact on your overall grade.

What happens if I am unwell during my exam?

You should put your hand up and speak to an invigilator. 

What happens if I arrive late for my exam?

You should arrive at school within plenty of time prior to your exam starting. However, if you arrive more than 1 hour after the official start time, and where an exam is more than 1 hour in duration, you may not be allowed to enter the exam room. Should you be given permission to enter the exam room we have a duty to inform the awarding body of the incident, and they will decide whether to mark your paper or not. 

Can I leave the exam early?

No, you must remain in the exam room until the end of the exam.

Can I sit my exam on a different day?

No, you must sit the paper on the specified date. 

Where do I keep my mobile phone/earphones/watch (analogue/smartwatch) whilst I am in the exam?

You should keep these locked away in your locker, or in your bag, or you can hand them to the invigilators before you enter the exam room.

Can I take in revision notes or spare paper into my exam?

No, all materials must be left in your bag - see JCQ's Warning to Candidates and Unauthorised Items posters for further information.


Former Pupils

Former Year 11 Students that completed their GCSE Exams in June 2024 your certificates can now be collected from UALS Main Reception. Collection will need to be made prior to Friday 21 November 2025; after which they will be returned to the relevant awarding body for disposal.   

Any unclaimed certificates are only kept for a 12-month period from date of issue; after which they are either destroyed or sent back to the relevant exam boards. We do not keep, or hold, copies of certificates. 

If you have not claimed your certificates within the 12-month period from date of issue, or have lost your certificates, you will need to contact the individual exam boards to obtain replacements, please see links below:

AQA Past Results & Lost Certificates 

Edexcel/Pearson Certificate Services 

OCR Replacement Certificates 

 WJEC Replacement Certificates  

