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Pupil Reception

Pupil Reception

Our Pupil Reception is available to pupils from 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

Pupils that need to make a phone call home

Pupils needing to have a telephone call made to their home should use the facility before school, breaktime, lunchtime and afterschool.

Medical Room/Medication

If a pupil feels unwell or needs medical attention they should go to Pupil Reception in the first instance where a Qualified First Aider is at hand to deal with any issues. 

For pupils that may need to have medication in school this is kept at Pupil Reception once relevant paperwork has been completed with parents/carers.

Please see below medical consent form:

Parental Consent Form 

Please see the Medical Treatment Policy for further information:

Medical Treatment Policy

Lost Property 

In the unfortunate event that your child does lose something, they should:

  1. Visit the last area they were in. If the item is not there, they should retrace their steps and check all classrooms/areas that they have been in that day.
  2. If they have been unable to find their lost item, they should go to their Learning Coordinator and Pupil Reception to check whether the item has been handed in. 

Any items that are labelled and that are handed into Pupil Reception, they will return the item(s) promptly to its rightful owner.

Please email enquiries@uals.org.uk or phone 01406 362 120 for any lost property enquiries. 
